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A-Z Directory -S

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Name Title Department Email Phone
Sanders, Jordan Extension Associate I School of Human Sciences [email protected] 662.325.2950
Scammahorn, Roseanne Associate Director, SRDC Southern Rural Development Center [email protected] 662-325-3207
Schilling, Mark Professor and Director [email protected] 662-325-3200
Schilling, Jennifer Senior Extension Associate School of Human Sciences [email protected] 662-325-8930
Schmachtenberger, Alexis Student Worker Civil and Environmental Engineering [email protected]
Schmid, Samuel Research Associate I (L,P,S) Geosystems Research Institute [email protected] 325-9491
Schraeder, Taylor Floater Assistant Teacher Human Sciences- Early Childhood [email protected] 662-325-2950
Scott, Katelyn Accountant I Delta Research and Extension Center [email protected] 662-686-9311
Scott, Lacinda Training Assistant Ctr Resolving Human WF Conflict [email protected]
Sears, Laurie Office Associate Extension Coastal Region [email protected] 601-792-5121
Seitz, Holli Associate Professor Communication [email protected]
Selby, Melissa Office Associate Extension Delta Region [email protected] 662-746-2453
Self, Andrew Extension Professor Forestry [email protected] 662-226-6000
Sellers, Veonna Student Worker Electrical and Computer Engineering [email protected]
Sellers, Matthew Student Worker Plant and Soil Sciences [email protected] 662-325-2311
Shankle, Aaron Student Worker Plant and Soil Sciences [email protected] 662-325-2311
Shannon, James Extension Specialist I North MS Research and Extension Ctr [email protected] 662-566-2201
Shants, Haley Student Worker Ag & Bio Engineering [email protected] 662/325-3282
Sheridan, Audrey Extension/Research Assoc III [email protected] 662-325-2085
Shirley, James Interim Head, Ag Communication Agricultural Communications [email protected] 662-325-0547
Shmulsky, Rubin Professor and Head Sustainable Bioproducts [email protected] 662-325-2243
Shook, Alex Extension Agent III MSU Extension- Marion County [email protected] 601-403-2280
Short, Kimberly Administrative Assistant II Delta Research and Extension Center [email protected] 662-686-9311
Shotts, Katlin Office Associate MSU Extension- Winston County [email protected] 662-773-3091
Shows, Rebecca Office Associate MSU Extension- Simpson County [email protected] 601-847-1335
Sibley, Jessica Extension Agent III* MSU Extension- DeSoto County [email protected] 662-469-8480
Sikdar, Samrat Graduate Research Assistant School of Human Sciences [email protected] 662.325.2950
Silva, Juan Professor [email protected] 662-325-2160
Silva, Antonio Program Manager Delta Research and Extension Center [email protected] 662-686-3295
Simmons, William Graduate Research Assistant Agricultural Economics [email protected] 662 325 2750
Sims, William Graduate Research Assistant Plant and Soil Sciences [email protected] 662-325-2311
Sisk, Katherine Business Manager I Plant and Soil Sciences [email protected] 662-325-2311
Skidmore, Jillian Student Worker Geosystems Research Institute [email protected] 325-9491
Skinner, Amanda Office Associate MSU Extension- Newton County [email protected] 601-635-7011
Skinner, Nora Extension Associate I CREC-Coastal Marine Ext Program [email protected] 228-388-4710
Slade, Kaitlyn Extension Agent I* MSU Extension- Forrest County [email protected] 601-545-6083
Smiley, Syncecity Teacher - Head Start Human Sciences- Early Childhood [email protected] 662-325-2950
Smith, Laura Communications Coordinator Delta Research and Extension Center [email protected] 662-686-9311
Smith, Doris Administrative Assistant I Landscape Architecture [email protected] 662-325-3012
Smith, Steven Desktop Services Manager Extension Center for Tech Outreach [email protected] 662-325-3226
Smith, Patricia Office Associate Wildlife, Fisheries & Aquaculture [email protected] 662-325-3133
Smith, Adrian Office Associate MSU Extension- Monroe County [email protected] 662-369-4951
Smith, Eddie Extension Agent IV* MSU Extension- Pearl River County [email protected] 601-403-2280
Smith, Andrew Extension Instructor Ctr Resolving Human WF Conflict [email protected]
Smith, Donald Extension Agent II* MSU Extension- Pike County [email protected] 601-783-5321
Smith, Tomyah Graduate Service Assistant [email protected] 662-325-3200
Smith, Phillip Extension Associate III Agricultural Communications [email protected] 662-325-1281
Smith, Ashley Business Coordinator Human Sciences- Early Childhood [email protected] 662-325-2950
Smith, Jollean Intermittent Worker Extension Southwest Region [email protected] 601-857-2284
Smith, Gabrielle Administrative Assistant I MSU - ES Administration [email protected] 662.325.3036
Smith, Melvin Graduate Service Assistant [email protected] 662-325-3200
Smith, Rebecca Associate Extension Professor Agricultural Economics [email protected] 662 325 2750
Smithson, Katherine Extension Associate I Central MS Research & Ext Center [email protected] 601-857-2284
Smoot, Timothy Intermittent Worker CREC-Coastal Marine Ext Program [email protected] 228-388-4710
Snider, Joyce Office Associate Extension Northeast Region [email protected] 662-566-2201
Snow, Julie Administrative Assistant I Agricultural Economics [email protected] 662 325 2750
Snyder, Susan Administrative Assistant I Extension Coastal Region [email protected] 601-545-6083
Soignier, Tyler Assistant Professor Brown Loam Branch Experiment Statio [email protected]
Soignier, Lurlinda Extension Agent III* MSU Extension- Hinds County [email protected] 601-857-3242
Solace, Haley Extension Associate I School of Human Sciences [email protected] 662.325.2950
Sonnier, Mackinzie Extension Program Associate Human Sciences- Early Childhood [email protected] 662-325-2950
Sorrels, Kyle Extension/Research Assoc I Delta Research and Extension Center [email protected] 662-686-9311
Sowers, Christopher Print Manager Agricultural Communications [email protected] 662-325-2164
Spafford, Anne Professor and Head Landscape Architecture [email protected] 662-325-3012
Spann, Mary Intermittent Worker Extension Coastal Region [email protected] 601-545-6083
Spann, Jazabreun Student Worker School of Human Sciences [email protected] 662.325.2950
Sparks, Eric Associate Professor & Director CREC-Coastal Marine Ext Program [email protected] 228-388-4710
Sparks, Rebekah Extension Project Specialist I Extension Center for Tech Outreach [email protected] 662-325-8581
Spencer, Gene Assistant Professor Water Resources Research Institute [email protected] 6623253295
Stafford, Lynette Office Associate Extension Delta Region [email protected] 662-686-9311
Stafne, Eric Extension/Research Professor CREC-Coastal Research & Ext Center [email protected] 662-769-9708
Staley, Ashley Business Coordinator [email protected] 325-1340
Stallworth, Dani Child Care Training Coord Human Sciences- Early Childhood [email protected] 662-325-2950
Staton, Bradley Extension Associate I Ctr 4-H Youth Development [email protected] 325-3350
Steede, Heath Extension Agent III* MSU Extension- George County [email protected] 601-947-4223
Stephens, Vickie Intermittent Worker Extension Southwest Region [email protected] 601-857-2284
Stewart, Tanner Student Worker Plant and Soil Sciences [email protected] 662-325-2311
Stewart, Barry Professor Plant and Soil Sciences [email protected] 662-325-2311
Stockstill, Ashlie Office Associate Human Sciences- Early Childhood [email protected] 662-325-2950
Stovall, Emily Social Media Specialist Agricultural Communications [email protected] 662-325-2262
Stratman, Maya Extension Associate I CREC-Coastal Marine Ext Program [email protected] 228-388-4710
Street, Joe Special Projects Coordinator MSU - ES Administration [email protected] 662-325-3034
Strickland, Bronson Extension Professor Wildlife, Fisheries & Aquaculture [email protected] 662-325-3174
Strickland, Nancy Office Associate Extension Southwest Region [email protected] 601-857-2284
Stricklin, Billy Engineering Shop Mgr Ag & Bio Engineering [email protected] 662/325-3282
Stroud, Carrie Business Manager I Forestry [email protected] 662-325-7361
Sullivan, Virginia Administrative Assistant I Delta Research and Extension Center [email protected] 662-686-9311
Sumrall, Cade Student Worker Plant and Soil Sciences [email protected] 662-325-2311
Sumrall, Fay Office Associate MSU Extension- Sunflower County [email protected] 662-887-4601
Surrette, Sherry Associate Extension Professor Central MS Research & Ext Center [email protected] 601-857-2284
Sutherland, Natalie Student Worker Geosystems Research Institute [email protected] 325-9491
Swetman, Arianna Extension Agent I MSU Extension- Hancock County [email protected] 228-467-5456
Swilley, Alexandria Student Worker [email protected] 662-325-3200
Swindle, Brenda Office Associate MSU Extension- Choctaw County [email protected] 662-285-6337