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How to Implement Agricultural and Community-Based Recycling

Filed Under: 4-H

This program provides a safe and efficient way for farmers and landowners to dispose of waste pesticides and other agricultural products. The program helps communities reduce, manage, and recycle their waste.

Target Audience(s):

Farmers, landowners, community groups, and youth groups


Participants will learn:

  • How to plan and host an agricultural waste pesticide disposal event in their community,
  • About grants and other funding sources that can be used to implement agricultural and community recycling opportunities, and
  • Ways to manage, reduce, reuse, and recycle their waste.

Total Number of Modules or Sessions: 3

Total Number of Hours for Program Delivery: 4

Program Delivery:

  • Demonstration
  • Educational Class
  • Educational Video (Online or DVD)
  • Numbered Extension Publication
  • One-on-One Intervention
  • Social Media
  • Technical Assistance

Primary Contact:

Dr. Mary Love Tagert, [email protected]


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Portrait of Dr. Mary L. Tagert
Associate Extension Professor