The PREP Rally (In partnership with Save the Children)
The PREP Rally program teaches children the basics of preparedness and develops lifelong safety skills.
Target Audience(s):
Children in grades K-2 and 3-5
Participants will be able to:
- Identify things that help them feel safe,
- Understand that making an emergency plan is an important part of being safe,
- Identify types of weather risks that may affect their community,
- Identify and understand basic Prep Steps of knowing emergency contacts, making an emergency plan, and packing a Go-Bag, and
- Share what they have learned with their families and friends.
Total Number of Modules or Sessions: 1
Total Number of Hours for Program Delivery: 1.5
Program Delivery:
- Community Forums
- Demonstrations
- Educational Class
- Educational Video (Online or DVD)
- Group Discussion
Primary Contact:
Dr. Ryan Akers, [email protected]